About The Content of the Master's Degree Programs of Teacher Training in Educational Robotics

Author Details

Grigoriev Sergey Georgievich, Klimovich Anna

Journal Details


Published: 3 September 2019 | Article Type :


Technological processes of modern production require training of high-level specialists, including in the field of robotics. Modern education requires a systematic approach to the training of future specialists in the field of engineering and IT. This can be achieved if students in General secondary and vocational education develop research, engineering and creativity. The master's program in the profile "Educational robotics" in a network form will prepare teachers who are able to effectively organize the training of students in the direction of engineering specialties.

Keywords: master's degree program, teacher training, educational robotics.

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How to Cite


Grigoriev Sergey Georgievich, Klimovich Anna. (2019-09-03). "About The Content of the Master's Degree Programs of Teacher Training in Educational Robotics." *Volume 3*, 3, 34-37